Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Best Ways to Improve Your Personality

In this post you will know some of the best ways to improve your personality. They are

  • Avoid touching the other person while talking, this is one of the worst personality traits.
  • Clothes must not hang loose on your body.
  • Tie, belt buckle and zip must be in a straight line.
  • There must always be a little seriousness on your face.
  • Hair must be properly combed.
  • Always carry a little perfume on your clothes just to give something positive to the people you meet everyday (and avoid the stinky sweat smell) but remember applying too much perfume may give allergies to others or even make you look fake.
  • You must always be calm, composed & cool about everything. This will build a positive aura around your body attracting people towards you.

  • Avoid scratching in front of other people.
  • Talk looking into the eyes of the other person.
  • Teeth must always be clean and mouth must not be stinky, chew a mint gum or use mouth wash because a single bad breath can eliminate a thousand opportunities.
  • Never laugh too much in a formal setup.(laugh to your fullest casually)
  • Speak a bit less and think before you speak because one wrong word can hurt your personality.
  • Never act desperate even if your life depends on something.
  • Sit straight don’t bend your back
  • Don't talk in very loud voice.
  • Talk whenever and wherever is needed.
  • Always stand and sit straight. That shows your confidence.
  • Respect your elders.
  • while speaking use your hands and body express yourself and emphasize more.
  • Your self-respect is the most important weapon of your personality.

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