Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How can I be Strong in JAVA?

In this post you will know what things you must follow to become strong in Java Programming Language. Java is one of the highly demand programming language in the world.

Here are the 5 things you can do to become a sought-after Java Programmer:

Keep coding: To begin with, learn the basics. Go through a tutorial, do the exercises, and as you go through the lessons, try writing a code. While writing, make sure you understand each line. Write code on paper which has a good chance of compiling. Write/copy-paste same piece of code/configuration again and again. Keeping configuration snippets like, jdbc configuration etc. and utilities like StringUtils, ReflectionUtils, DBUtils – these are always helpful.

Build a strong foundation in OOPS: For a Java Developer having strong understanding of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a must. Without having a strong foundation on OOPS, one can’t realize the beauty of an Object Oriented Programming language like Java.

Practice, practice, practice and follow technology trends: Look out for new framework and stay updated. Write a simple client server TCP service such as chat or read up on Design Patterns and try to use them. You can learn when they help and don’t help. Study the source code of various successful, popular frameworks where you can see the internal working mechanism of the framework and lot of best practices.

Keep solving problems: All software is designed to solve some user problem and a wide array of smaller problems that make it up. As a good Java developer you should understand the class loading process and how it works, have an understanding of garbage collection, when is it triggered and even know how to minimize it. Know when to use design patterns such as Singleton, Factory, Fly-weight, Builder, Object Pool, Iterator, Strategy, Visitor and Composite.

Master the core APIs: You may be strong in theoretical knowledge, but one should have very strong hands on experience on core APIs like java.lang.*, I/O, Exceptions, etc. And when it comes to Web application development, no matter which framework you are using, having strong knowledge on Servlets, JSPs is a must.

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