Tuesday, August 14, 2018

How to become Full Stack Developer?

In this post you will understand how muck time it does to become full stack Developer.It depending on your familiarity of programming languages and basic logic.I will divide this learning process into 3 Months. 

1st month:

Build at least 2 application using only these 2 languages. You can build Google landing page. ( 7 days)
Learn Javascript: Same as before 2 projects using Js. You can build simple calculator app. You can use Repl (The world's leading online coding platform) for writing only Js. (10 days)
Work on projects which involve all three. Ex: Trello clone. ( 13 days). If time is there learn some front-end frameworks like React

2nd Month:

Start learning Python/Ruby. Build some simple application in the month . Ex: A calculator or a text processor or a tic tac toe game. (20 days)
Learn simple frameworks (Sinatra for ruby, Cherrypy (A Minimalist Python Web Framework) for python) (10 days)
3rd Month:

Learn about web servers and application servers, pick Apache or Nginx (nginx news) for web server. (1 day)
Learn about DNS, http request/resppnse (1 day)
Research about cloud hosting and try some of them. Ex: Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Cloud Computing Services ( 1 day)
Learn SQL and mysql or Postgresql ( 7 days)
Pick Ruby on Rails or Django( The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines) : 

Make atleast 3 projects, ex: Slack(Where work happens) , clone of Instagram or Twitter. It's what's happening. Or clone of Vacation Homes & Condo Rentals - Airbnb (20 days).

But all these deadlines are dependent on an individual. They are by no means a hard deadlines, you can take your own time.

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