Thursday, July 19, 2018

What are the Essential Skills for Every Web Developer?

In this post you will understand what are the essential skills should have every web developer. Web developers need to stay aware of the new technologies coming into the market and the share that they are occupying. Involving in the development may not give any developer ample of time to spend on knowing the trends in the industry, but it is essential to make some of it for the same. The following the best skills should have.


Today the best developers are no longer content to be ace of the code, they master the skills that make them ultra-complete and indispensable individuals within the company.


Technical knowledge is obviously part of the essential skills in the CV of a web developer. Knowledge of programming languages ​​( PHP , JAVA , Ruby...), hardware, operating systems and other terminologies related to computer science are technical skills.

The technical skills of a developer are constantly evaluated and tested by its managers and colleagues. Staying up-to-date by keeping up with the latest technology trends is crucial for a developer.

He must acquire the technical skills he finds interesting in order to maximize his value in the market. However, even if it is good to specialize, a developer must also remain flexible and learn to master new tools and new technologies.


Many developers often neglect the importance of the business vision. All qualified developers can develop sites, applications and software, but a very good developer is one, which apart from the mastery of skills, also includes the commercial purpose.

This particular skill can be considered as an important parameter when it comes to distinguishing a good and excellent developer. Each product must be designed keeping in mind the customer's requirements and the business vision.


The IT sector is constantly evolving and languages ​​are subject to many changes. A skilled developer must be curious and thirsty for knowledge to always be aware of new trends to improve his skill set.

This is only possible when you have a real passion for development. Only a professional passionate and motivated by the learning of new skills will observe a meteoric progression.

Google can give you a hand in your learning by providing you with access to useful tutorials, books, articles, and more. A good way to learn best practice development is to learn from the work of experienced developers.


Communication skills (oral and written) have become essential in almost all areas today. Developers must be able to clearly articulate information and needs to their customers and other colleagues.

It is also necessary to be able to work collaboratively with them to achieve results. Written communication is very important since all documentation, reports, specifications are expressed in black and white.

Being able to convey one's ideas is undoubtedly essential for all professionals. A large number of qualified developers do not receive recognition for their work only because they fail to establish good communication with their colleagues.


The problems you encounter on a project as a developer are often unique. It is important to understand that the best solution or in any case the 'correct' solution is not always the same and strongly depends on the context and the project. What may work in one case will not work properly on another architecture or with higher load or safety constraints for example.

Although there are 'best practices' in programming and many valuable tips can be learned from the industry and your peers, as a developer you will need to increase the value of your own work and your ability to solve problems. to achieve the expected results by following established rules and practices.

Designing Skills

A basic understanding and sense of designing will help in the long run. A good developer must understand the basics of designing such as color theory, grid design and typography.

Program the Browser:

HTML/CSS and Javascript are the tools required to program an app to run on the browser. Mastery of these skills are very essential.

An actual understanding of the core language being used and not just the framework. Classic examples are developers who claim to know Javascript but have only used jQuery and developers who know Ruby on Rails, but struggle when they need to write Ruby code.

Ability to Learn

You must be always open to learning new techniques and methods of developing. A good developer must constantly stay updated about the new techniques and tools that can be implemented in development.

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