Tuesday, July 24, 2018

How to learn Programming Language within a Month?

In this post you will know about how to learn Any Programming Language within a  month. These tips helpful who want to become Software Developer within a month. Then follow this Road-map.

Week 1:

 Google Python programming fundamentals and pick on any good site. Tutorialspoint or any other should be fine. This should take you about a week say 8 hours per day while doing small scripts for practice to enforce your understanding. Note: never memorize the syntax, it will come naturally and looking up each time when you need it until you finally internalize it is the way to go.

Week 2

Pick up a project and start working to finish it. Some general tips when working on the project:

  • Don’t overthink, just pick on anything e.g basic calculator with a UI or could be anything that makes sense or google “beginner python projects” or something.
  • You don’t have to memorize or remember any syntax. So look up on the internet when you are stuck. Try to get hints on your problems.
  • Use an IDE (subjective but I prefer it since it is easier to debug and run scripts)
Week 3:

Breakdown the project to smaller components e.g if you are creating a calculator then:
Graphical User Interface - further into various buttons.

Addition, subtraction, division and multiplication functions assigned to various buttons (note: there is no golden rule on how to break down projects, as long as they are manageable chunks)

Stackoverflow is a good friend. But make sure you don’t copy paste without understanding what the script does.

  • It will be hard and you need to be mentally strong to push through problems. When stuck on a problem:
  • Look it up on google and try finding the solution by being more precise with your search queries
  • If you don’t find a solution then post it on a forum where you might find some help.
  • You need small breaks when programming. It helps to get away from the computer for a while and come back
Invest time to learn version control. Should not take you more than a day or two. Basics should be fine. I prefer git.

Learn debugging as you go. Its not rocket science. Can take you literally take you only couple of hours to learn how to do it.

Ensure that you have a theoretical approach to solving the problem before you start writing any code. It won’t magically give you the correct result. Step aside from wishful thinking and be more practical. You can draw diagrams or write down what you want to achieve the result.

If you get time try investing a few hours learning testing and implement some tests in your code.

Don’t be frustrated if a problem takes long to solve but be aware of the time, you can move on to other components of the project to complete and come back later.

Week 3.5 / 4

Try smoke testing and ensuring that bugs are fixed. Now, if you have not complete then its alright, many at times we might not depending on some factors. In that case:

  • Allocate yourself more time (i.e more than a month)
  • Prioritize features that you might need for the project
Important Tip:

To keep going you can start learning how databases work and learn some  frameworks to achieve what you want and build what you like.

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