Monday, October 31, 2016


This is one of the important topic in SQL,we have discussed joins in SQL already. SQL includes many aggregate functions,which take information from multiple rows and aggregate it down to produce fewer rows in the final result set."It is used to group the results from one or more tables".

When to use Group By clause?

In fact, if you use select statement  the entire table records  formed as one group by group functions.When we need aggregations like below,we have to use Group by Clause:

  • Department-wise total salary of employees
  • Month-wise count of employees joined
  • Account type and branch-wise average balance maintained

SELECT column_name,function(column_name)
from table_name
GROUP BY column_name

Here is i am taking employee table from them list out job designation_wise number of employees working and total salary from employee table

From the above employee table list out the  job designation_wise and total salary of employees.


SELECT job,count(*) no_of_employees,sum(sal) total_salary from Employee e
Here job is the column by which rows of employees table are grouped

Result will be:

Having Clause:

The Having clause allows us to filter out groups that do not meet a specific requirement.It is used to mention condition in GROUP based SQL function like WHERE clause.
WHERE clause is executed on actual rows of the table being required.


SELECT column_name,function(column_name)
from table_name 
WHERE column_name condition
GROUP BY column_name
Having function(column_name)condition

Now, we will list out  from the above employee table  department wise no of employees and average salary,of those employees who do not get a commission and only for those departments in which employees get a at least a salary of 25000 or above.


SELECT Dept_no,count(*)no_of_employees,avg(sal)Avg_sal
from employees
where COM is NULL
GROUP BY Dept_no
Having Min(sal)>=20000
Order By Avg_sal DESC

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