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Tuesday, June 7, 2022
High Paying Jobs after Learning Python
Friday, November 20, 2020
Top 10 Programming Languages to Learn in 2021
Hello Everyone in this post you will know Top 10 programming Languages to learn in 2021 and also to get job in 2021. These programming languages are very demand in 2021. •Programming language is a computer language which is used by programmers to develop software programs. In today’s world people are getting smart and they want to use applications and tools.
Software engineers use a programming language that’s appropriate for the platform for which they’re building an application. It depends on what kind of software do you want to write? Web-based? Machine learning? Mobile? Device drivers? Robotics? Virtual reality? Video games?
1. JavaScript:
JavaScript is one of the most popular languages in 2021 all over the world. It is used for front end web development and increases interactivity to the website by using graphic effects, animations, dynamic styling, forms. JavaScript language is widely applied in Game Development, Web and Mobile Development and Desktop Applications.
2. Python:
Python is quickly gaining its popularity by its applications in projects of Machine Learning and Data Science. The best thing about Python programming is that being a high level language it is easy to learn. Python language is used to develop Web & Desktop Development, Network Servers, Machine Learning, GUI Based Desktop applications, In Enterprise and Business and Data Science.
3. Java:
Java is again a popular language to acquire. It is also easier and faster to maintain with fewer bugs. It is well known for its features such as it has great portability as of JVM, Java can nearly run on any system. It is highly scalable. It another important feature is "Write once, run anywhere". Java has been applied in numerous fields, some of which are Scientific Applications, Banking & Financial Services, Web & Mobile Development and Desktop Development.
4. C#:
C# is a general-purpose language to acquire as it is one of the oldest and most popular languages. It is an Object-Oriented language. It runs on a .Net platform and is effective to build Windows desktop application and games using the C# language. It can be applied in creating VR Games, Windows 8 & 10 and in Game Development.
5. R is an open source software, which works best on GNU, Linux and Microsoft Windows. Compared to Python, R is difficult to learn. The application of R programming language is in the field of Data Science, Statistical Computing and Machine Learning.
6. C++ is considered as one of the most highly efficient and flexible to use programming language.
This language is used for writing device drivers and compilers and programming robots and the application of C++ can be seen in Game Development, Web & Mobile Solutions, Desktop Applications and Embedded Systems.
7. Go Language:
Go language was developed at Google to overcome the failings of other coding languages used by developers.
Go displays large data sets in an easy to understand workflow. Its’ most important feature is its concurrency, the ability of a program to run multiple tasks simultaneously. There are no complex abstractions or clever metaprogramming in Go—just basic features specified in a straightforward syntax.
8. Swift:
SWIFT is a general purpose, open source, compiled programming language developed by Apple. So, if you love using iOS apps and want to develop native iOS or Mac apps, then SWIFT is the one for you.
9. Kotlin:
Kotlin one of most used programmng language by Google for android development. It also supports functional programming languages. The application of KOTLIN is for Android Development, Web Development, Desktop Development and Server Side Development.
10. PHP
Php is used to create Web pages, which are written in HTML. PHP language is mainly used to create dynamic and static websites.
Friday, October 23, 2020
Project Manger Interview Questions and answer for Automation Testing
In this post you will know real time project manager interview questions and answers for automation testing experienced engineers. These manager round interview questions helpful who are going face technical round.
The following are the FAQ's for automation Testing engineers:
if you want answers with explanation watch this video:
1. Explain about your project?
2. Explain about responsibilities in your project?
• Identification of test cases for automation from existing test case documentation.
• Applying Designing and Test Automation Strategy Document
• Creating an automation test plan and getting approval.
• Configure Selenium Test Environment for setup(ex: Java, Selenium WebDriver and TestNG etc.).
• Participation in Selenium Environmental Setup with IDE.
• Automation framework design and implementation according to project structure.
• Creating, Enhancing, Debugging and Running Test Cases.
• Organizing, monitoring defect management process Handling changes and conducting regression tests.
3. How will you receive the project Requirements?
Project requirement will be receive from project repository like github. Once SRS completed then this SRS will put into the repository from there every tester will access.
4. What are the challenges you faced in the project?
5. What is your team size?
6. What you people discuss in sprint plan meeting?
7. How many test cases will execute per day?
8. Have you involved in the project release process?
9. Do you run all regression tests for every bug fixed?
10. Have you written any SQL Queries in your project? If you write SQL Query in which situation you used.
When we are going to fill data in the application form to ensure that the data is stored in the correct tables and columns and retrieve the data from the database by that time we used SQL Queries.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
what should i learn selenium with java or selenium with python 2021
In this post you will know which is better career option selenium with java or selenium with python in 2021. Selenium is automation Testing tool it is used to automate the web applications.
Python is a good language, no doubt about it and works pretty well with Selenium. But there are good reasons to choose Java for Selenium:
For More Information watch this video in detailed:
a) Java is a more powerful language and has been evolving regularly with updated versions for every 6 months to one year that means that it will be able to constantly provide you more efficient code writing ability.
If we learn the Java programming language, then we can learn Rest Assured tool for Web services Automation. Rest Assured API will use Java programming language. Similarly we can learn Appium for mobile Automation and JMeter for performance testing. So learning Java will make you as an Full stack QE easily.
These are highly demand skills in IT market now and upcoming years also.
Selenium with Java community is much larger and it means that, if you are stuck, you will have plenty of support available to get out of that.
Job Opportunities : More than 70-80 % of companies uses Selenium with Java. , Means existing companies already they are having their own framework and they want expansion either in the existing projects or new projects. Probability of chances with Java with Selenium is High. Most of the level 4 and level 5 companies come under this strategy.
Python is mostly used in Telecommunications companies.
Who are introducing and traversing from Manual Testing to Automation they used selenium with python and who are working with Robot Framework they are using selenium with python.
The overall probability of getting jobs Selenium with Java : Selenium with Python = 7 : 4
My suggestion is to learn Java with Selenium and work for 2 years you will be hands on. Then learn Python language also, if you have both skills then you will better career scope in feature. After learning and getting experience with Selenium with Java. Learning Selenium with Python is easy.
You should be open to learn newer technologies, rather than going into comfort zone either you choose selenium with java or python
8. if you upgrade your skills will make you confident and also gives an upper edge over the other resources in the company.
Trends in current Market :
1. SDET is the most wanted skill set in the current market.
2. Learning Cloud based platforms such as AWS and Microsoft Azure is an added advantage.
3. Learning DevOps tools like Jenkins, Docker, kubernetes makes you to become Testing architect with high package.
My conclusion words are choose any programming langue depending on the application you test.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Page Object Model Interview Questions and answers for Selenium Tester
In this post you will know Most asked page object model interview questions and answer for selenium automation Tester. These POM interview questions frequently asked for automation testing engineer.
The following are the POM interview questions and answers:
If you want more questions with explanation watch below Video:
1. What is POM ? Advantages of POM?
Page Object Model (POM) is a design principle to manage the test cases and page objects separately.Framework types like data-driven, behavior-driven, keyword-driven, etc. can be designed with the page object model.
The main advantage of Page Object Model is that if the UI changes for any page, it don’t require us to change any tests, we just need to change only the code within the page objects.
improves code readability - Allows us to separate operations and flows in the UI from Verification
Re-usability of code - a locator or function can be reused in the tests.Eliminate
redundancy – no duplicity of functions or locators.
2. What is Page Factory?
Page Factory is enhancement of POM. Page factory provide the facility to locate and initialize web elements of an page without using findElement( ) or findElements( ) method of selenium
Page factory provides annotations like @FindBy, @FindAll, which locate the web element and return the WebElement instance for the same
These annotations use the attributes for specific locator types like id, name, class name, CSS, link text, partial link text, class-name, and XPath
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Tell me about yourself interview question for Java Experienced Developer
In this post you will know how to introduce yourself as senior java developer in the interview. This is one of the best answer for the interview question is tell me about yourself some thing or introduce yourself or how your friends describe you.
How to Prepare Java Interview for 3 Years Experinced
In this post you will know how to crack Java Developer interview for Experienced Candidates. Java is one of the popular programming Language in the world. Java is every where. With the help of java we can developer Web applications, Mobile applications , enterprise applications and it also supports to work with Bigdata and IoT.
Now we will see what are the concepts must prepare before attending technical interview.
Core java : You have must have deep knowledge on String class, Collections Framework, Oops, exception handling, multithreading, Logical thinking,(You are going to asked 50% of the questions from Core java only)
If you want too see more Explanation on this topic then watch this video:
Core java
• OOPS ( specially differentiating abstraction & encapsulation)
• String ( immutability ), String Buffer , String Builder
• Threads (implementing ways ,race around condition, deadlock etc )
• Exception Handling
• Object class ( hash code and equals methods )
• Comparator , comparable
• Interface , abstract class
• Collections ( differences and when to use )
• static class , static method , static block difference
• final keyword - significance and use
• heap area , stack area , string pool
• Singleton class and its implementation
Advance Java: Concepts of servlet, Jsp (Basics), life cycles(15% questions)
Advanced Java
3. Difference between JSP , Servlet
4. forward and redirect
5. life cycle of JSP and servlet
6. JSP scriptlets , directives , declaration , expressions
FrameWork :
Spring(Dependencynjection,AOP.JDBC,MVC, autowiring, annotations like @component @controller @repository, spring MVC related interview questions like validate data from spring web mvc, Transaction management, Dispatchservlet, Security,cache, spring integration) is must,
SpringBoot related Interview Questions
hibernate Interview Questions
webservices Interview Questions like SOAP/REST (25% question )
Design patterns like strategy, singleton, factory, abstract factory.
Build Tools: Maven or Gradle
Version Control: SVN , Git
Servers: tomcat, web logic and Web Sphere
Project methodology: Agile, Scrum
Project Manager round: which domain you are working, who is you client, which part you have developed in the project, which App server you are using and version, Describe your role in project.(10% questions)
If you are attending Interview with product based company then you must prepare Data Structure and algorithms in Depth. Since Product based companies most focus on problem solving skills and algorithms.
Data structure & Algorithm : this is one of the major section where you have to code on the provided question or explain the one. so prepare & practice well on trees, tries, BFS, DFS, String search, searching & sorting, Arrays etc
High Paying Jobs after Learning Python
Everyone knows Python is one of the most demand Programming Language. It is a computer programming language to build web applications and sc...